I’m a 4th year Computer Science student studying at the University of Waterloo. I’ve been fascinated with programming and robotics since high school, which prompted me to take the co-op Computer Engineering program at Waterloo initially, from which I switched to Computer Science in my second year.
My current interests are in big data, Rust, and learning how to boulder.
Our school has a co-op system with 6 different 4-month work terms interspersed throughout the undergraduate degree. Here are the 6 companies I’ve worked at in reverse chronological order:
- Amazon
- Model Renovations, a Vancouver startup
- Thomson Reuters
- CharityCAN, a small business in Kitchener
- Manulife Bank
- WorkMarket, an ADP company
I’ve had mostly SDE (Software Development Engineer) roles working at these companies, besides WorkMarket, where I worked as a Quality Engineer.